上課期間:從 即日起 到 無限期
Physics of Organic Semiconductors 1-Introduction of organic semiconductors
Physics of Organic Semiconductors 4- Basic properties of excited states
Physics of Organic Semiconductors 5-Photophysical Processes
Physics of Organic Semiconductors 6-Organic Solids
Physics of Organic Semiconductors 7- Charge and exciton transport
Physics of Organic Semiconductors 8- OLED
Physics of Organic Semiconductrors 2 - Review of basic organic chemistry
Physics of Organic Semiconductrors 3 - MO Models
有機光電概論 作業一 繳交日期20120406
有機光電概論 作業二 繳交日期20120516
教師 / 陳俐吟
教師 / 簡飛雄