上課期間:從 即日起 到 無限期
00_course outlines (2018f)
01 Introduction (2018f)
02_Floating-Point Arithemtic (2018f)
03_Addition (2018f)
04_Multiplication (2018f)
05_dvision (2018f)
06_function evaluation-I (2018f)
07_review (2018f)
08_power (2019s VLSI)
09_wiring and scaling (2019s VLSI)
10_dynamic circuit (2019s VLSI)
11_Memory (2019s VLSI)
12_FA, IO, clock tree (2019s VLSI)
13_More on IC Fabrication (2019s VLSI)
HW1_Design of single-precision FMA (2018f)
HW2_Design of multi-precision FLP DP4 (2018f)
HW2_Design of multi-precision FLP DP4 v2 (2018f)
HW3_Design of FLP Processor U using customized CSA, adder and multiplier(2018f)
Homework 4 (graduate)_Synopsys Models and LEF Models (2019s VLSI)
教師 / 蕭勝夫
教師 / 陳育鴻