上課期間:從 即日起 到 無限期
01_Intro-II (2023s)
00_syllabus and intro-I (2023s Inro VLSI)
HW1_Circuit Simulation (2023s intro VLSI)
hspice_sa manual
HW1_EDA_teaching (revised)
02_CMOS fabrication (2023s VLSI)
HW2_Layout and Post-layout Simulation (2023s intro VLSI)_2023_02_24
03 SPICE simulation (2023s VLSI)
04_combinational logic circuis (2023s VLSI)_revised
HW3_Synopsys Models and LEF Models (2023s intro VLSI)
05_sequential logic circuits (2023s VLSI)_v2
09_wiring and scaling (2023s VLSI)
06_MOS devices (2023s VLSI)
08_power (2023s VLSI)
07_Delay models (2023s VLSI)
HW4_(bonus)_Full Adder (2023s intro VLSI)
99_review (final exam, 2023s Intro VLSI)
教師 / 蕭勝夫
教師 / 何堡棋
教師 / 郭厚均