上課期間:從 即日起 到 無限期
00_outline and overivew (2023f)_revised
01_Verilog structural and dataflow modeling (2023f)
02_Verilog behavioral level modeling (2023f)
03_logic synthesis and design flow (2023f)
05_pipelined THUMB CPU (2023f)
HW1_modeling an adder in three Verilog levels_revised_4(2023f)
HDL_HW2_pipelined add_sub_multiplier
HW2_pipelined add_sub_multiplier in both RTL and gate-level_revised_3 (2023f)
HDL_HW3_ pipelined THUMB CPU
HW3_ pipelined THUMB CPU (2023f)
99_1_midterm exam review
HW4_color conversion and Sobel edge operation with line buffer (2023f)
HDL_HW4_Sobel edge
06_other Verilog modeling (2023f)
04_Verilog Codes for Basic Components (2023f)
2023f_hdl_midterm_new (with partial answers)_v7
IEEE std 1364_1 (Verilog RTL synthesis)
IEEE std 1364-2005 (Verilog HDL)
07_Verilog 1995 vs 2001 (2023f)
08_Verilog Codes for Advanced Components (2023f)
HW5_first two VGG Conv layers (2023f)
HDL_HW5_Accelerator for VGG-16
09_VHDL_1_data type (2023f)
HW6_memory generation for CNN accelerator
HDL_HW6_Memory tor for CNN Accelerator
HDL_HW6_Memory tor for CNN Accelerator
12_Verilog versus VHDL (2023f)
99_2_final exam review (2023f)
11_VHDL_3_component, package, and configuration (2023f)
10_VHDL_2_concurrent and sequential (2023f)
教師 / 蕭勝夫
教師 / 王韋竣
教師 / 郭昱
教師 / 阮彥